Research Training and Innovation Infrastructure

Complex Structure

Infrastruttura Ricerca Formazione ed Innovazione (IRFI)

The Research Training and Innovation Infrastructure works to promote, organise and coordinate the research and training activities of healthcare providers, according to the models highlighted in the literature. It is a healthcare structure that works to ensure maximum integration, a multidisciplinary approach, the promotion and valorisation of scientific productivity, the transfer of research results to clinical practice within AO AL and the area of reference, and ensures a high quality research standard, through its various sectors as outlined below.
It coordinates the 'disease units' for the improvement of care and research, i.e. multidisciplinary corporate working groups focused on research, education, training and innovation. In particular, it interfaces directly with the healthcare structures involved, and with healthcare professionals even from various different departments, in order to guarantee the coordination and management of activities concerning training, research and communication, providing professionals with tools, procedures, skills and methodological support, guaranteeing full autonomy in the related processes across its various sectors.

It coordinates and provides secretarial services to the Research and Innovation Scientific Committee.

It administers the Research Fund and the activities resulting from the Agreement  stipulated with the Solidal Foundation.

Riferimento della struttura
Antonio Maconi
Contact info

Dove si trova
Presidio Civile "Santi Antonio e Biagio"
Second floor
Block B

Fanno parte di Infrastruttura Ricerca Formazione ed Innovazione (IRFI)